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What is FST?

What is Fascia (FASH-AH)?

What is it good for?

What makes it different?

Who is it for?


One-on-one stretch stretch sessions customized and tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Fascia is the connective tissue system of the body that penetrates through and wraps around muscles, nerves, organs, and just about everything else in your body. That’s why FST positively impacts your body, mind, and spirit!

  • Improved quality of life.

  • Reducing pain from lack of mobility & flexibility.

  • Faster recovery from fitness & athletic activities.

  • FST goes beyond muscles to target your entire fascial system, promoting improved mobility, flexibility, and joint function.

  • Personalized, one-on-one sessions guided by a trained practitione. You will experience multi-dimensional stretches tailored to your unique needs and goals.

  • Enjoy pain-free journey toward optimal movement.

FST is for individuals of all fitness levels and lifestyles, including those with chronic pain, sedentary jobs, and injuries. It improves mobility, flexibility, and overall well-being, catering to diverse backgrounds.

  • Traction – Produces faster & greater gains in flexibility and mobility.

  • Flow – The FST method moves your body like nothing else.

  • NeuroMyoFascial Technique – The most comprehensive way to achieve optimal function in your neural, muscular & fascia systems.

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